Wednesday, June 9, 2010

4 months old

Little Eli is now 4 months old. We started feeding him cereal this week. He LOVES it. He didn't eat it very well for me but of course when daddy fed it to him, he loved it. He is already starting to roll a little. He will get from his back to his belly and then get stuck and cry for help. I cannot believe how fast he is growin up already. Kenzie is an amazing big sister that loves her little brother. I have been faced with a challenge from God this week. My eyes were opened to how many prayer requests I see on facebook and other places throughout my day and I realized that I saw them and I saw the need but I hardly ever prayed right then are there for them. SO I talked with God yesterday while doing dishes and asked him, "Lord, send me something that you want me to pray for. Whether it's something global or someone or anything at all." So yesterday I get this text from an odd number. And it tells me about this young girl that had a horrible tragedy happen to her and she needed prayers. So I text the person back and asked who it was because I had recently lost all my numbers and I had no clue who it was. When they answered back I had no clue who they were. I didn't even know this girl. I facebooked both of them and not one of my friends were friends with them. I was shocked and realized that God just wants me to pray for every single thing. I do stay at home with the kids and that gives me plently of opportunities to pray throughout my day. I am really excited to see God work through me. I just pray I can listen to Him more often!!

The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God's help be encouraged!
Psalm 69:32

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